You're Invited to One of the Most Unique & Exciting Launches of 2023…

The 6-Figure Side Hustles Docuseries World Premiere

Our docuseries deliver record-breaking EPLs… proven by millions of leads in multiple niches…
and your audience will LOVE it!



Hi, my name is Michael Hearne, and I’ve teamed up with the legendary Jeff Hays & Patrick Gentempo to bring you another amazing opportunity.

If you’re reading this, you’ve been personally invited to take part in the one and only 6-Figure Side Hustles docuseries launch.

Our docuseries world premiere events are unlike anything your audience has experienced before. Through a unique “funnel”, we’re able to deliver the best of both worlds:

Record-breaking Earnings per Lead (EPLs) for you… AND… 
A valuable entertainment experience for your audience

One they will LOVE (and thank) you for sharing...

An experience that could forever change the trajectory of their lives.


Through our 10-episode “docuseries model” that marries Netflix quality entertainment, highly actionable education, and proven direct response principals.

You’ll see how it works in just a moment. Here’s what really matters:

This model has been proven time and time again by this team… to the tune of tens of millions of dollars in sales. 

We’ve thrilled millions of leads in health niches… financial niches… even biz opp, and MMO niches.

Affiliates have consistently made huge EPLs, and been paid millions of dollars in commissions, while smashing multiple launch records, and…



Because we’re bringing the right series to market, at the right time.

Tapping into that rarest of combined forces that make for marketing miracles:

A potent MASS DESIRE (that has reached a frenzied peak)… and 
Current events which create an URGENT PROBLEM that demands immediate answers

“The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work, comes from the market itself”

Eugene Schwartz

Breakthrough Advertising

In this high-inflation economy, with runaway prices, and a cost of living that squeezes every penny from people’s wallets… 

Just when the public is ready to panic…

We release a series on 6-Figure Side Hustles. 

An idea that has piqued public obsession, and promises relief to people’s pain.

And we’re doing it in a format that people LOVE to consume… at a time when binge-watching is a cultural staple… and the Western World’s favorite pastime:

The docuseries

But there’s far more to it than that…

The way people think about “work” has shifted… 

It started with influencers… and global lockdowns sealed the deal. 

Now, public perception of “success” has forever changed.

Working 9-to-5 for the man, giving every waking hour to just get by, is no longer seen as the way to get ahead…

Climbing the corporate ladder ain’t the status symbol it once was.

In fact…

People are resentful of being forced to work in an office… resentful of slaving away to make someone else rich while they struggle to pay their bills. AND:

More than a little angry that wages won’t cover the cost of living.

Sprinkle in their desire to do something meaningful and purposeful… that they enjoy and are passionate about… and you’ve got a strong, society-wide desire that this series taps into.

Everyone has seen and heard about “side hustles”.

Everyone knows someone who has achieved the dream. Yet most people feel powerless to achieve it in themselves.

Enter stage left: Our 6-Figure Side Hustles docuseries.

The idea that binge-watching an engaging docuseries can transform their current crisis into the life they desire is a salve to their soul. 

An irresistible oasis in the desert. One last bastion of hope.

And THAT is why they will sign up to watch the series… in droves.

And, it’s the very reason we are releasing the series now.

Because helping people achieve that outcome is our goal.

And… Why we want your audience to watch it for free.The 6-Figure Side Hustles docuseries brings together an all-star roster of dozens of experts who – in a series of 9 power-packed episodes – pull back the curtain and explain exactly how to achieve a 6-figure income…

While working part-time hours, doing something they enjoy.

This is Netflix level entertainment and production value… packed with eye-opening intel… and actionable information, from people who have been-there, done-that.

And THAT is why your audience will love you for sharing the series. It’s why they will throw down to own the series bundles.

And why this series will be a smashing success for you when you promote it!

Now let’s look at how it all works… 

And how you make money… by giving the series away for free.


The docu-series model is a radical departure from the status quo–as disruptive as the VSL or the webinar were in their heyday–and the results speak for themselves.

Time and time again, in multiple markets, this model has crushed sales records and is responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in sales for the handful of people who know how to pull it off.

And with the launch of the 6-Figure Side Hustles docuseries, we’re taking it to the next level. Here’s how it works:



24 Hours ONLY



24 Hours ONLY



24 Hours ONLY

Each episode of 6-Figure Side Hustles is free to watch for 24 hours only.

After 24 hours, the episode is taken down and a new one is released for free viewing. 

This pattern continues for all 9 episodes, giving your leads the chance to watch the entire series for free.

This is incredibly valuable, creates a ton of goodwill, and ensures your leads are thrilled with the whole experience.

Here’s where the magic comes in:

Each episode is so jam-packed with actionable, practical, and profitable information that it’s simply too much to take in after one viewing…

and that’s why people BUY.

Throughout the series, they have the opportunity to purchase lifetime, on-demand access to ALL the episodes–along with bonus episodes and gifts that are only available to buyers.

These bonuses and gifts are designed to teach them how to take action on what they learn.

And, because subscribers have no doubt about the quality of the content and because the bonus gifts are so valuable… conversion rates are through the roof.

Throughout the funnel, prospects are offered products with prices ranging from $47 to $1,495… 

But this isn’t a one-time sales effort where they either convert immediately, or leave and are gone forever… wasting the vast majority of your clicks.

With this process, your leads experience an ever-increasing desire to buy as each episode opens their eyes to new possibilities. That means that over the course of three weeks…

You watch your EPLs climb day after day every time you log into your affiliate center… while your audience floods you with gratitude for inviting them to enjoy the experience.

Sounds incredible, right? And that’s exactly what our affiliates have enjoyed time and time again.

Now, in May 2023, it’s your turn!


Many of the biggest publishers, influencers, and educators in finance, health, internet marketing, MMO, and biz opp have already signed up as affiliates. Your subscribers are going to start seeing the 6-Figure Side Hustles docuseries everywhere.

That means conversions will reach mass hysteria levels… AND:

Because we attribute sales on a 1st cookie basis, you want to be the first to share the series!

We believe it has the potential to be one of the biggest, most profitable launches in today’s market… and you don’t want to miss out on the huge affiliate payouts we’re wiring.

Here’s what you need to know to succeed:

Pre-Launch (the best time to promote): May 8 - May 22, 2023
Docuseries Free Viewing (episodes drop one per day): May 23 - June 1, 2023
Replay Weekend (all episodes available to binge-watch): June 2 - June 4, 2023
Cart Close Week (including a bonus live webinar) June 5 - June 11, 2023

The best time to mail is during pre-launch.

Our top-performing affiliates promote 3 or more times during the Pre-Launch period. 

Affiliates who want the most cash also mail the day Episode 1 goes live… and the day after. 

Pro Tip: The day after Episode 1 goes live, conversions are through the roof because that is a viewer’s last chance to sign up before they start missing episodes!

You’ll want to do at least one run of list broadcast, and hit those unopens again with new subject lines / from names. Insert ads, sponsorships, space ads, and editorial mentions embedded in content work like a charm.

And if you’re a social star, those pre-launch clicks convert like crazy, so keep posting!

The next best time to promote is right before Replay Weekend.

During Replay Weekend, every episode in the series is available to binge-watch. That makes it an excellent event within the event to send out 1 or 2 emails, or posts to social media.

And the last chance to promote is during Cart Close Week when we’ll host a livestream proven to convert! Pushing people to register for this event is a solid plan for earning additional income.

We’re happy to help you come up with a promotion plan that maximizes your earnings. We’ve worked with hundreds of affiliates, so we know what works. 

And we’ll make sure you have everything you need to promote as much as you like, including custom creative tailor-made for your audience.

Your success is our success, so don’t hesitate to ask us for an assist!

Pro Tip: Top-earning affiliates often offer additional bonuses to their list for signing up… and for buying the series bundles.


Commissions: 50% on digital sales.

Product Price: Range from $47 to $1,495
Project Earnings: It’s rare to see better KPI’s! My team has a history of successful launches. Check out these record-breaking stats from past launches when affiliates earned up to:

$28 Earnings per Lead
$9.38 Earnings per Click
$360 Avg Order Value
91% Opt-In Conversion Rate

Top placing affiliates mail more than once during the first 4 - 5 days of pre-launch. 

Affiliates who mail 2+ times in the first week make 2-4X higher earnings per lead!

$20,000 in Prizes & BONUS payouts!

Affiliate Opt-In/Lead Contest:


Grand Prize




2nd Place




3rd Place




4th Place



PLUS: If you can drive a high volume of leads… even if you don’t “win” the contest, we’re ready and willing to make a deal to earn your support.

And affiliates will receive free, lifetime access to 6-Figure Side Hustles.

Important Dates


May 8 - May 22, 2023


June 8, 2023

Webinar Replay

July 9, 2023

Key Mailing Dates

Pre-Launch/World Premiere

May 8 - May 22, 2023


June 5th - 8th

Webinar Replay & Cart Close

June 9th - June 11th

Contest Rules

In order to be eligible to win any of the cash prizes, you must mail/send traffic at least three times during pre-launch & once for the Replay Weekend. And send at least one full mailing prior to the webinar. Total revenue generated must exceed contest winnings. Prizes will be paid out to qualified winners within 10 days after the cart closes.

Commission Details

First Cookie. EverFlow Real Time Stats. 

Commissions: 50% 

Payouts will be 50% on the 6th of the month after the cart closes, and then the remaining balance will be paid out on the 6th the following month. Please make sure to log into your EverFlow account and submit W-9 and payment details so we can pay you!

Conversion Tips

Mail early and often to secure the first cookie!
Offer a “bonus” to your list if they register through your link (ebook, trial product, one-on-one call with them, etc.)
If you have a podcast or YouTube channel and want to have one of the producers on it, that has been proven to massively boost conversions
Include a Personal Endorsement (list owner) in your promotion. We see very significant bumps in performance when the list owner adds a personal message endorsing the docuseries. Please reach out to us if you want some examples of this!

Meet the team


Serial entrepreneur Michael Hearne has a 15-year history of taking companies to new levels, breaking the boundaries of innovation, and triumphing over adversity.

After starting his first business in a tiny apartment next to a crackhouse, conquering setbacks, and pushing through failures, Michael pulled his family out of poverty and became the creative and resilient entrepreneur he is today.

When it comes to growing businesses, Michael has run the gamut. 

From being a transformational CEO, to a growth hacker for 9-figure financial publishers, he has played a key role in generating hundreds of millions of dollars in sales. His last docu-series world premiere garnered millions of views in a matter of weeks, and was highly profitable.

Today, his focus is on IMPACT above everything else. He doesn’t work for the money, he works for passion, to make a difference, and solve real problems in the real world through his business ventures. 

His Uncensored Crypto docu-series, released in January 2022, shared the hidden story of how “crypto” and decentralized tech could solve many of the problems we face, from inflation, elections, censorship, "fake news," and tech monopolies with too much power... without heavy-handed government regulation, through free market capitalism, while taking away corrupt power, and creating freedom for people to enjoy their natural rights as a human.

Today Michael is deploying all of his talent, experience, and contacts to film and release transformational docuseries with the power to change the lives of viewers in a positive way.


Dr. Patrick Gentempo is the founder and CEO of Action Potential Holdings, Inc. He is a well-known and respected star in the world of health, wellness and business.

While practicing as a chiropractor, he co-developed innovative diagnostic technologies, received multiple patents and built a considerable international business which he led as CEO for over 20 years.

Academically, Dr. Gentempo is on the post-graduate faculty of multiple chiropractic institutions and has been published numerous times in peer-reviewed and popular journals.

Dr. Gentempo successfully exited his diagnostic technology business in 2011 to form Action Potential Holdings, Inc.

Dr. Gentempo regularly lectures to business owners, health providers and entrepreneurs.He recently presented one of this signature lectures, “Unleashing the Power of Philosophy in Business” for Entrepreneur Organization (EO) and for the Freedom Fest convention in Las Vegas. Some of his unique business views have been published by Forbes.


Jeff Hays is a filmmaker and a serial entrepreneur.  He began making films back in the late nineties.  He’s best known for Fahrenhype 9/11 (2004), a response to Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, and On Native Soil (2006), a documentary focusing on the passionate demand of the surviving family members of 9/11 victims for an official investigation into the 9/11 attacks.  This documentary, which was narrated by Kevin Costner and Hillary Swank, was short-listed for an Academy Award in 2005.

Hays’ recent health documentary releases are “Bought”, “Doctored”, “Undoctored”, “Rigged 2016”  and the “GMO’s Revealed” and “Vaccines Revealed” series programs.  Hays explains, “In recent years my eyes have been opened to alternative healthcare options.  The immediate increase in health I experienced personally after starting down this road is something I’ve just got to share with people.”

Hays’ most recent release is “Christ Revealed”, a 9-episode docuseries featuring exclusive expert interviews and a stunning tour of Israel.  Also, “Chasing the Scream”, the New York Times Best Selling book by Johann Hari is being brought to life by Jeff Hays Films and is now in pre-production with Academy Award winning co-producers and Academy Award nominated directors attached.

Two additional documentary series from Jeff Hays Films are being released in early 2018. “The Healing Miracle: the truth about stem cells”, and “The Real Skinny on Fat, the truth about weight loss.”

A pet project is Movie Maker Academy where Hays is on the faculty teaching filmmakers and entrepreneurs how to create successful donor crowdfunding projects based on his 7-figure success in crowdfunding.

Hays lives in the mountains of Utah with his dog Abby and works from his office in NY. He’s the father of 9, and grandfather of 12.


Fill out the form below with your details…

Once you do, our team will personally follow up with you to make sure you have the best marketing materials and landing pages for your channel and audience.

NOTE: For larger lists we’re also happy to discuss exclusive bonuses we can offer your audience for registering/purchasing, as well as custom copy assets our team will craft for you.

Thanks again for your interest in promoting 6-Figure Side Hustles, this is truly a labor of love for us. We know it can change lives and make you a lot of money in the process, so register now and get in early:

Finally, if there’s anything we can do to help please send an email to and we’ll get you the answers and resources you need!

Thank you,

Michael Hearne
CEO, Michael Hearne Live/p>



Kevin Harrington

Infomercial Creator | Original Shark Tank Investor

Jeff Walker

Chris Goegan

Founder | Engineered Growth Systems

Jason Fladlien

Co-Founder | Rapid Crush Inc.

Alison Prince

Mom & CEO |

Ryan Levesque

Author of #1 National Best-Seller | ASK

Verne Harnish

Owner & CEO | Scaling Up

Jason Katzenback &
Michael McClary

Jason: CEO & Co-Founder |
Mike: Chief Product Officer |

Roger Hamilton

Author | Educator | Social Entrepreneur

Robert G. Allen

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author

James Altucher

Entrepreneur | Author | Podcaster

Kristin Cripps

Author, Entrepreneur, Investor

Brian Page

Founder | The Page Fund

Laura Catella Georgi

Copywriter, Mentor, Entrepreneur

Rich Schefren

Founder | Strategic Profit

Liz Germain

CEO & Founder | Vidfluence

Michael Filsaime

Co-Founder, CEO | GrooveDigital

Los Silva

Philosopher, Futurist, CEO | Legion, Exponential Labs

Kate Buck Jr.

Owner, CEO | Social Media Pro

Igor Kheifets

Amazon Best-Selling Author, CEO | List Building Lifestyle

And many more...

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